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Raspberry Pi

Alternative OS:


Display Rotation

Edit /boot/config.txt

display_rotate=1 # 90 degress
display_rotate=2 # 180 degrees
display_rotate=3 # 270 degrees

Headless Setup

Enable SSH by placing a file named "ssh" onto the boot partition of the SD card.

touch /path/to/sd/card/volume/ssh

Configure WiFi

sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
sudo wpa_cli reconfigure

eventually reboot and/or try this:

sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
sudo ifconfig wlan0 | grep inet
sudo service networking restart

Test Config:

wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -D wext -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -d


Find Raspberry Pi in network

Find Pi with an ARP scan filtering for known Pi MAC Addresses

From windows:

arp -a | findstr b8-27-eb

From linux

arp-scan --localnet --interface=eth0 | grep b8:27:eb
arp-scan --localnet --interface=wlan0 | grep b8:27:eb

Stress test

Tools to stress test your Raspberry Pi:

Stable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Making your Raspberry Pi resilient to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection failures involves a combination of software configurations, scripts, and sometimes additional hardware. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Persistent Wi-Fi Connection:
  2. WPA_Supplicant: Ensure your /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf is correctly set up. This is the primary configuration file for Wi-Fi.
  3. Auto-Reconnect Script: Create a script that checks the Wi-Fi connection periodically and tries to reconnect if the connection is lost. bash #!/bin/bash while true; do if ! ping -c 1; then sudo ifdown wlan0 && sudo ifup wlan0 fi sleep 60 done Save the script, make it executable with chmod +x, and consider adding it to your crontab or systemd to run on boot.

  4. Persistent Bluetooth Connection:

  5. Bluetoothctl: Use bluetoothctl to pair and trust devices. Once a device is trusted, it will attempt to auto-reconnect.
  6. Auto-Reconnect Script: Similar to Wi-Fi, you can create a script that checks the Bluetooth connection and tries to reconnect if it's lost. This might be a bit more complex, depending on the Bluetooth service you're using (like BlueZ).

  7. Network Manager:

  8. Consider using a more robust network manager like NetworkManager or ConnMan. These tools often handle reconnections better than the default setup.

  9. External Watchdog:

  10. Some advanced users employ an external hardware watchdog. This is a separate piece of hardware that monitors the Raspberry Pi and can reset it if it detects a failure. This is a more extreme solution and is typically used in scenarios where the Raspberry Pi must remain operational.

  11. External Antenna:

  12. If you're experiencing connection drops due to weak signals, consider using a Raspberry Pi variant or a Wi-Fi/Bluetooth dongle that supports external antennas. An external antenna can significantly improve connection stability.

  13. Regular Updates:

  14. Ensure your Raspberry Pi's OS and packages are regularly updated. Updates often contain bug fixes and improvements for hardware drivers, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

  15. Logs and Monitoring:

  16. Regularly check system logs for any Wi-Fi or Bluetooth-related errors. The dmesg and journalctl commands can be useful.
  17. Consider setting up monitoring tools like iftop, nmon, or bmon to keep an eye on network activities.

  18. Static IP:

  19. Assigning a static IP to your Raspberry Pi can sometimes help in scenarios where the DHCP server is causing connectivity issues.

  20. Power Supply:

  21. Ensure you're using a reliable power supply. Insufficient power can cause a myriad of issues, including unstable network connections.

Remember, the key to resilience is redundancy and regular monitoring. By setting up scripts to auto-reconnect and regularly checking the health of your connections, you can ensure that your Raspberry Pi remains connected most of the time.