Some facts about me:
- I found my great white buffalo 🧡
- I climb, ski, ride and run with passion 🔥
- I spend most of my time with tech, games and music 🤖
- I make stuff (mainly board games and stuff with the laser cutter) 🎲
- I believe pineapple pizza is not a crime 🍕
- I think the best time of the day is 22:22 🕰
- I say "Entweder es klappt oder es klappt zusammen." 😤
Last link i visited which I would like to share:
IT background
My first interaction with a PC was in 1991. At that time everything with a screen was interesting to me. I typed off my favorite dinosaur story from a book (on my dads work notebook) because I thought it would be cool to have it digital. I later wrote my first program in basic and was amazed by loop functions. New shareware games came on floppy disks through friends and flee markets. I loved gaming on the PC.
I drank Jolt Cola and even visited the german headquarters in Cologne. I read the "Bastard Operator From Hell" and "Bastard Assistant from Hell", watched Hackers and was hooked by the connection between "Dreiundzwanzig - 23 - Die Geschichte des Hackers Karl Koch" and "Kuckucksei".
I saved up money for a few years to buy my first own cheap pc which I built myself and got sick because my computer didn't work because of mismatching cheap "vendorless" RAM pieces. Eventually i fixed it, learned stuff on the way and gained freedom with my own pc and explored the internet and modded some games (nothing serious, just learning stuff). I did all kinds of experiments but mainly used the PC for gaming and internet in my teens. It was around that time that I knew I wanted to do stuff with computers my entire life.
What was your most interesting online purchase?
In 2014 I spent 0.04911049 BTC for digital copy of the 50 Cent Album Animal Ambition. Curtis and I both forgot about it until suddenly BTC was worth a lot of money.As of today, this is my most expensive album purchase yet. No Ragrets :)
Do you have a WinRAR license?
Do you have an avatar you use?
I often use this avatar online. More about how to create this with Context Free Art is written here.