Some people don't want advice. They want you to listen. If they want advice but it doesn't work, here are some possible reasons to reflect on:
Topic | Problem | Solution |
Mismatch with Situation | Advice often doesn't consider the unique details of the individual's context. | Tailor advice to specifically fit the complexities and nuances of each situation. |
Cognitive Bias | People may ignore advice due to subconscious biases or reluctance to change. | Encourage self-awareness and challenge existing biases through reflective questioning. |
Lack of Detail | General or vague advice fails to be actionable. | Provide specific, actionable steps and examples to clarify how advice can be implemented. |
Poor Timing | Advice given when the recipient isn't receptive won't be effective. | Choose an opportune moment for giving advice when the individual is most open to listening. |
Resistance to Change | Natural resistance to change can prevent advice from being followed. | Address emotional barriers and facilitate a supportive environment that encourages change. |
Overload of Information | Too much advice can overwhelm and paralyze the decision-making process. | Focus on delivering concise, prioritized advice rather than a multitude of options. |
Lack of Trust | Lack of trust in the advisor can lead to skepticism about the advice given. | Build trust through empathy, consistent support, and by demonstrating understanding and expertise. |
Perceived Patronization | Advice may be perceived as patronizing, reducing its effectiveness. | Ensure advice is delivered respectfully and considerately to foster a positive reception. |
Irrelevance of Advice | Sometimes advice is not applicable because it's based on incorrect assumptions. | Verify assumptions and gather accurate information about the situation before advising. |
Unrealistic Expectations | Expectations that advice alone will solve complex problems can lead to disappointment. | Set realistic expectations about what advice can achieve and emphasize effort and process. |
Rules to live by (TODO)
- Gehe im Zweifelsfall vom Guten aus (lieber 1x verarscht werden als 100x kein vertrauen gezeigt)
- Denke in Win-Win-Szenarien (Bei guten Deals gewinnen alle)
- Verbessere die Welt - Stelle eine Frage (XXXXXX)
- Zügle Deine Empathie (mitleiden), trainiere Dein Mitgefühl (Mitleid)
- Versuche den Anderen zu verstehen; auch wenn Du kein Verständnis aufbringen kannst
- Liebe Deinen Nächsten so wie auch andere ihre Nächsten lieben
- Meide die Nachrichten (Mainstream Media, Personenbezogene Nachrichten und sensationsgeile Quellen)
- Prügele Dich nicht mit Nazis (sei Schlau im Konter geben und demonstrieren)
- Oute Dich (XXXXXX)
- Sei realitisch (sei kein träumer und kein pessimist)
More Rules
Stuff I collected from random places over time:
Show up is better than not showing up. or "Anything worth doing is also worth doing half assed".
Example: brushing ur teeth for 10 seconds is better than 0 seconds, etc. apply that to everything